Out of the many choices of beautifully arranged food at the Harrods food hall and my eyes was fixed on the prawn cocktail salad. I looked at the bowl full of the plump prawns coated in the creamy dressing and kept on thinking should i get it? Should i? Did a mental calculation and converted it to ringgit and decided no i shouldnt its too expensive just for a prawn cocktail salad. Azim looked at me looking at it so longingly and he said lets just get it, or else you'll be thinking about it later on wishing you had bought it to at least try it.
Got the green light and im a happy woman! So the guy scooped it for us and it came up to about £8 i cant help it but convert it to ringgit automatically everytime, it worked up to about 40 ringgit and i shamelessly told the guy who attended to us to teduce it a bit, its too much to pay for prawn cocktail. Well at least for me. So he scooped it out and it worked up to around £4 plus. Still feels expensive to me but Azim kept on saying its ok once in a while and i can see you really want it. Hahahahaha now i know what expression to put on when i want handbags!
Azim paid for it and we quickly looked for the exit and found benches outside Harrods and i quickly opened my box. Boyyy oh boy! Am i glad the wonderful husband of mine said to just get it. His treat. It was better than i imagined it. And im not a fan of prawns. And there i was eating my prawn cocktail scrapping it down to the bottom of the barrel literally! Ignoring the pigeons disturbing me. Oblivious to it all as i happily eat my prawn salad.
Happy tummy = happy women! = happy wife = stress free husband! Hahahaha