Thursday, February 28, 2008
wokay had a long day today...i'm so tired and sleepy..i couldn't really pay attention cos i was sleepy and i really wanted to sleep or take a nap kjap tdi mase kat tuesday i drove for the 1st time by myself.i drove to class n i was really nervous but it was okay.traffic kindda okay lah..parking not so tough too.hehee.on tuesday 2nd time problem skit cos afternoon class and parking kat ck dah full had to park kat 3rd day had morning class i went early and there were still plenty more parking.yesterday it rained so heavily shah alam banjir.back gate was closed b'cos of i decided not to drive home yet instead pgi makan dulu.then adam n wawa x habis2 told me to b carefull driving back home by myself malam2.(nak takutkan me..) dah lah while we were eating shira cerita ghost stories..tumpang wawa to perindu to get my car..nasib baik perindu nya parking terang..i drove back home fast and abah called while i was driving so x takut sgt..kindda byk kereta jgk still on the i think i did one of the craziest thing during lunch break.put on karaoke cd kat wawa's car then mashi,ayumi, wawa and of course me jgk hillariously all of us sang and danced dlm kereta.hahaahahahah.soo was fun :) we all laughed and people kat parking area yg nampak pon laughed.hehehe.eiysh astro ada problem so tak dapat tgk grey' internet dah ok.semalam had to curi line wireless our wireless dah ok so i can surf da net since astro down.i think i wanna sleep early 2nite.bye!
monday and tuesday was an eventfull day.i 'll blog about it later in the next blog cos i'm too tired rite now.juz finished searching for stuff for assignment.i'm tired n sleepy.have a long day 2mrow...full with tutorial classes.whoahhhh.1st class is at 8:30 means that i have to be ready by 7 and wake up by 6's already 2 am now.i shud get some sleep.wahh it's crazily hectic.i'm enjoying the hecticness :)
Monday, February 25, 2008
had french role play today, i think it went ok.i thot i was goin to be so nervous that i'd forget my lines.when it was our turn mashi n me did ok.actually i was only a lil bit nervous.after i've started my first line,for my other lines i was not so nervous and it went kindda smoothly.hehe.yesterday my lil cousin called again.she n her sis wanted me to come over to tok's house so that they can play rock band with me.kyra was saying something about her sister wanting to teach me how to play the drum.hahaa.other then french,today's lecture was cancelled and i only found out about it when i reached mashi,ayumi and me went to mcd's then we we hangout and went for french.then went to the library during gap between french n ctu.went to ctu,the second groups presentation was entertaining.hehee.then i met sis to give he pics talked kejap in the car while waiting for mama to fetch me hahaa.2mrow i'm driving to shah alam cos after lecture i wanna go for lunch with the zella,azee,eyze n anis.lama dah tak hangout with them.i miss hanging out with them...then after lunch i feel like going to the gym.lama dah tak pg gym nervous bout driving 2mrow.i've never drove to shah alam by myself.i wanna learn to drive by myself.nervous..hehehe, salut!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
ok.i'm leaving it as it is and moving foward~
yeah faez was the first to give me obvious and straight foward advice and hmm to an extand i do think he's that moment he sounded serious,matured and it made sense.he said it in a simple way and it made me realised that yeah what faez juz said is right.i'm glad he adviced me.tiks and aqilah also said something along the lines.liy pon.acap pon.i'll miss i knoe it's not easy.the way i'm putting it is,i'm giving in yet i'm not giving regrets.i'm glad about's about taking chances rather then wondering later what it would have been like.i've learned a few stuff from it and one thing i've learned from it is to face and overcome my fears.indirectly he taught me that.
he who fears to suffer,suffers from fear-french proverb
i've learned to face and overcome my fears.whatever the outcome of facing and overcoming my fears is,be it a happy or hurtfull one its way better then wondering about it later.i only live once and time can't be turned back.i wanna live my life to the fullest with less fear :)
he who fears to suffer,suffers from fear-french proverb
i've learned to face and overcome my fears.whatever the outcome of facing and overcoming my fears is,be it a happy or hurtfull one its way better then wondering about it later.i only live once and time can't be turned back.i wanna live my life to the fullest with less fear :)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
call from kyra, my lil

kyra called my moms phone to speak to my sis.then my mom told her that my sis is not home she's in mom told kyra that i'm home and she can speak to me. so i spoke to kyra. of here's the thing, kyra is my 6 year old cousin.the youngest of all cousins on my mom's side.ok here's the phone conversation.
kyra: hello
me : hye kyra!
kyra: hye
me : what are you doing?
kyra: just now i played rock band.
me : oh,have you eaten dinner?
kyra: yes
me : why did u call?
kyra: i wanted to know if you're coming here?
me : oh you're at tok's house? i'm not going there this week.everyone else is busy.there's only
me n auntie na.
kyra: oh
me : i'll go there next week...who else is there
kyra: there's tok, me,auntie mah,kat che,n mummy.
me : oh.where are you, living room or dinning area?
kyra: i'm at the kitchen.
me : hmm ok are you done? i'll see u next week ok?
kyra: yes,ok.
me : bye! gudnite.
kyra: bye,gudnite.
she's so cute.since i didn't go to tok's house this week she called to see if we're coming or not.hehee. that's kyra my lil cousin. such a cutie :)
wohoo!! i'm going for branch with my family 2mrow.i'm expecting gudfood.hehee.ok i'm kidda free so i'll post pictures.
busy loong week
whoah i had a busy long week,
had lecture n french n ctu then after ctu.and checked what sports house i'm in.i'm in green house same dgn mashi,anis,faez.after ctu i was tired n kindda moody dah cos tension dgn upcoming test n due date for assginments n of course *ahem* people tat at times get on my night i did my assignments.i siapkan terus all my assignments.
went for lecture and then aqilah fetch me n mashi den we went for lunch.sent mashi back to mawar n went to mid-valley to teman my sis go check out art supplies nya shop.they had some neat stuff.lols.then went to borders i bought a book.where raindows end i think the title.same author as p/s: i love you.then we went back.
went to shah alam early.way before my class.had lunch with groupmates n friends at pak li n also at the same time compile all our parts of assignments.then went to class.had bel test n then went to night had cramps.hurts like crazy.had dinner with mama then went straight to bed.
full day of tutorials.sent our assignments.and actually started talking to my other classmates.those from kuantan.they seem night i actually wanted to study for constitutional law but i was so tired n sleepy i fell asleep
had replacement lecture at 8.30 but i entered the lecture at 9.00.hahaa cos i woke up kindda late.then went for lecture n had constitutional law test. it was kindda ok.alhamdulillah.i hope i did ok.then as usual had kesatria.then waited for aqilah for almost an hour i think.cos she fell asleep n did pick up her phone.had to call faez to bring me to aqilah.then while faez was on his way aqilah called me.i was so angry n annoyed k.reached home around nine.had my shower n all then went to chillis for dinner.i think we reached bangsar around 10 something.had headache.i was just really tired from the long week.went home and fell asleep.
yeah i get to sleep in n wake up late.kemas my room n mama brought me to bangsar to get to do's been so long since the last time i had my eye brows looks neater now and ada shape dah.hehee then checked out ex-collegues dulu masa i was working at blook.then walked around to check out the boutiques.didn't find anything intresting.then me n mama went back home.wanted to go out with zella,iza n azee but then tak jadi cos transport susah nak arrange.i wanna watch jumper.hmm i think weekday lah go watch jumper.ok gtg.i hav my ist french test this monday(role play) .i gtg siapkan the hardcopy for lecturer,n practice the role play.ok.bye!!
had lecture n french n ctu then after ctu.and checked what sports house i'm in.i'm in green house same dgn mashi,anis,faez.after ctu i was tired n kindda moody dah cos tension dgn upcoming test n due date for assginments n of course *ahem* people tat at times get on my night i did my assignments.i siapkan terus all my assignments.
went for lecture and then aqilah fetch me n mashi den we went for lunch.sent mashi back to mawar n went to mid-valley to teman my sis go check out art supplies nya shop.they had some neat stuff.lols.then went to borders i bought a book.where raindows end i think the title.same author as p/s: i love you.then we went back.
went to shah alam early.way before my class.had lunch with groupmates n friends at pak li n also at the same time compile all our parts of assignments.then went to class.had bel test n then went to night had cramps.hurts like crazy.had dinner with mama then went straight to bed.
full day of tutorials.sent our assignments.and actually started talking to my other classmates.those from kuantan.they seem night i actually wanted to study for constitutional law but i was so tired n sleepy i fell asleep
had replacement lecture at 8.30 but i entered the lecture at 9.00.hahaa cos i woke up kindda late.then went for lecture n had constitutional law test. it was kindda ok.alhamdulillah.i hope i did ok.then as usual had kesatria.then waited for aqilah for almost an hour i think.cos she fell asleep n did pick up her phone.had to call faez to bring me to aqilah.then while faez was on his way aqilah called me.i was so angry n annoyed k.reached home around nine.had my shower n all then went to chillis for dinner.i think we reached bangsar around 10 something.had headache.i was just really tired from the long week.went home and fell asleep.
yeah i get to sleep in n wake up late.kemas my room n mama brought me to bangsar to get to do's been so long since the last time i had my eye brows looks neater now and ada shape dah.hehee then checked out ex-collegues dulu masa i was working at blook.then walked around to check out the boutiques.didn't find anything intresting.then me n mama went back home.wanted to go out with zella,iza n azee but then tak jadi cos transport susah nak arrange.i wanna watch jumper.hmm i think weekday lah go watch jumper.ok gtg.i hav my ist french test this monday(role play) .i gtg siapkan the hardcopy for lecturer,n practice the role play.ok.bye!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
on wednesday i went to bel class and the lecturer said ok so today there's suppose to be a test..i was like what! i seriously thought it was next week or next next week..then the lecturer said but the test papers are not here so there won't be a test today and tat the test is next week since there is no test papers.pheww.. i was so relief.hehe :)
Monday, February 11, 2008
classes has started
ok classes has started back after the break.ctu class was cancelled me n mashi went to the library to search for case.we were both not sure,dah lupe and kindda blur on how to use the end we managed to find the case we were looking for.then went back felt kindda draggy...dinner was good.i was so's cooking=yummy.lols.i'm going to the gym 2mrow.gotta exercise keep fit and active so that i will more energize.i like to run on the treadmill while listening to my's good to release tension.okay tat's all for today.i added a new go check it out.ok gudnite.
Friday, February 8, 2008
lately i noticed i've been kindda moody and cranky.i hate that.because it annoys me that i act all moody.and i dont want to annoy people around me by acting all moody and cranky too.i so need to use this few days lagi of holidays to relax so that i will be back to the normal me.
i uploaded pictures dah and then ter delete the pictures pulak.heish..penat je upload dah lah nak upload the pictures pon take time.then when i dah terdelete the pictures n i wanted to re upload the pictures error and it said try again later.bummer.hmm..and my body aches from yesterdays day at the funny.i did woke up early to go for breakfast yesterday.met liy,una and aina and had pancakes.then went to coffee bean pulak and then my sis and i went to the gym.sakit nya my i woke up early too.this holiday i didn't really sleep in and wake up late.everyday i actually wake up in the wanted to go for breakfast so he woke us up and we all went for breakfast at kopitiam.hehee holidays ni either my mom or dad wakes me up in the morning.i do like waking up in the morning compared to in the afternoon.feels fresher.lols.holidays dah nak habis dah.this monday classes start back again.i hav to study cos i hav test,quiz n assignment.ok.nnt i will upload the pictures again.gotta get ready.nak pg dinner dah.bye!!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
today was a busy day
i was busy today.i woke up early cos mama was bringing my siblings and i to go open an account at tabung haji.there was so many people at tabung haji and we had to wait for a while for our the time we were finished at tabung haji dah tengah hari dah.i went back changed clothes and then went to pyramid to meet my friends.the last time i went to pyramid was last year and it has changed so much.they renovated it and it looks much better n nicer.hehee we watched was thing for sure i think it's way better then meet the spartans k.yesterday i went to ou with my sis n alia to hangout n watch meet the spartans.hmm it was okay.there were some scenes that was hillarious some was just ok.cuci was hillarious.i laughed more watching cuci then when i watched meet the spartans.hehehe.when i got back had dinner with my family then alia came over to come get the vest.dia nk pinjam my vest for her performance at pd 2mrow.i soo wanna watch the video of alia performing.and alia was so sweet.she brought over 2 cute n pretty.nanti i upload a picture of it.i always say nanti i upload pictures hehee xde jgk lgi pictures at my posts of blogs.when i'm free i will upload the from turkey,cupcakes and other pictures.hehehe we hangout outside the house and talked for a sis, alia n i mostly joked and laughed a lot.bagus jgk lah so alia tak nervous sgt about performing 2mrw.hopefully.lols.ok i'm going for breakfast with liy 2mrow.she's been talking about having pancakes from yesterday lagi i think 2mrow ktorang will b having pancakes for breakfast.heee.ok gudnite~
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
went shopping today.heheehe i bought two tops from forever 21 and skinny jeans from topshop.i always wanted a black skinny juz now i tried on the one from topshop i liked it so i decided to buy it.i've tried it on before last i decided to buy it.yesterday i went out with the whole family.we all went for dinner at ou.i bought a top jgk from pull and bear dat today mom was like enough shopping.she told me enough shopping dh for mei asked for money and dad gave us money to go shopping.heheehe den again betul jgk lah what mom said.i shudn't shop so's not dat necessary pon.i'm happy cos i got skinny jeans.and i like the tops too.ok2 seroiusly enough shopping.okay..i will blog again soon.bye!
omg! that's what i can say and want to say.lols.ok i'm hilarious rite now.just got back from starbucks.went for late nite coffee with tiks n sis.the topic we talked about was as usual what we always talked about.juz dat this time around the girls have decided and come to a decission that i shud just let it go.omg!again dat's what i can say about their decission.hmm i guess it's for the best.sayang nak let's tough for me.i guess it's true tho and what they said is true.i shud just let it go.sayang but i shud.that's what <3 is about i's confussing.the definition is so broad it depends on each individual how they want to define it.however sayang pon i guess it's for the best.dh lh tu lately people and things around me have been like signs to me.macam telling me what i shud do.i guess it's up to me how i interpret's signs.i guess i will follow my heart and instict.ok.gtg go sleep.i'm going to meet up with the girls 2mrow for breakfast.gotta wake up early.gudnite~
Sunday, February 3, 2008
a hectic week
had contract lecture n french class as usual.then later in the afternoon had ctu presentation.was kindda nervous cos i had to present in front of 3 was for ctu lecture.after the presentation the other students asked so many questions i was so nervous i juz kept quiet.mashi and wawa answered the questions.thank god wawa were in the group to answer the questions.
only had lecture.after lecture went for lunch and after lunch went to the library to study for tort's test.
had bel 462 class.lecturer let us off had some time to revise somemore on tort before the test starts.then had tort test.i was so nervous too during the test,i took sometime to think how to start answering.
tutorial starts early.8.30.i set alarm but i switched it off n went back to sleep.heheheh mom woke me up.had constitutional law tutorial n forgot to bring federal constitution n lecturer used it during tutorial,classmates were nice to lend us theirs so we could answer the question asked.for mls it was our my groups turn to present.nervous again too.glad ti was kindda smooth presentation.then we went for lunch n continued with tutorials.had tort tutorial but lecturer used it for lecture since we behinde one topic cos we didn't have one lecture since it was a holiday.after that we had contract tutorial but it was we went to eat.went to kedai kopi to eat n later went to sacc pulak to eat again lols.went back n went to archifest.sis brought me to go watch movies the archi students sis's archi studio mates nya video tak dapat play.bummer.didn't get to watch their video.the other movies were hillarious.after that i went back home n tired.had long day.
had constitutional lecture. then went for lunch at sacc again.this time we got lost otw to sacc.we got lost untill klang.hahaha.reached sacc had lunch at four n then rushed back to campus to get ready for kesatria pulak.ran like crazy to kesatria.did the usual marching.then went back to get ready for archifest battle of the bands.sis picked me up to go to was fun.i enjoyed it.i watched the archi students perform.had later dinner or more like supper.went to mcd's drive thru.reached home late.n went straight to was a hectic we're on holiday for 1 week.yay!! i wanna hangout at home,go shopping then i have to do some studying too.cos after the holiday i have constitutional quiz,contract test,french test n later bel test n mls assignment.whoah anyways.ok.that's all for now.bye!!
had contract lecture n french class as usual.then later in the afternoon had ctu presentation.was kindda nervous cos i had to present in front of 3 was for ctu lecture.after the presentation the other students asked so many questions i was so nervous i juz kept quiet.mashi and wawa answered the questions.thank god wawa were in the group to answer the questions.
only had lecture.after lecture went for lunch and after lunch went to the library to study for tort's test.
had bel 462 class.lecturer let us off had some time to revise somemore on tort before the test starts.then had tort test.i was so nervous too during the test,i took sometime to think how to start answering.
tutorial starts early.8.30.i set alarm but i switched it off n went back to sleep.heheheh mom woke me up.had constitutional law tutorial n forgot to bring federal constitution n lecturer used it during tutorial,classmates were nice to lend us theirs so we could answer the question asked.for mls it was our my groups turn to present.nervous again too.glad ti was kindda smooth presentation.then we went for lunch n continued with tutorials.had tort tutorial but lecturer used it for lecture since we behinde one topic cos we didn't have one lecture since it was a holiday.after that we had contract tutorial but it was we went to eat.went to kedai kopi to eat n later went to sacc pulak to eat again lols.went back n went to archifest.sis brought me to go watch movies the archi students sis's archi studio mates nya video tak dapat play.bummer.didn't get to watch their video.the other movies were hillarious.after that i went back home n tired.had long day.
had constitutional lecture. then went for lunch at sacc again.this time we got lost otw to sacc.we got lost untill klang.hahaha.reached sacc had lunch at four n then rushed back to campus to get ready for kesatria pulak.ran like crazy to kesatria.did the usual marching.then went back to get ready for archifest battle of the bands.sis picked me up to go to was fun.i enjoyed it.i watched the archi students perform.had later dinner or more like supper.went to mcd's drive thru.reached home late.n went straight to was a hectic we're on holiday for 1 week.yay!! i wanna hangout at home,go shopping then i have to do some studying too.cos after the holiday i have constitutional quiz,contract test,french test n later bel test n mls assignment.whoah anyways.ok.that's all for now.bye!!
went to switchfoot's concert just know. it was ok.they played songs that i like.there were some songs that they didn't played tho.i wanted to watch them perform the song you live anyways overall it was ok.i'm glad it was at kl convention center. the place is not hot n humid like most concert place.n there were booths too selling t-shirts n stuff.i bought a had omg! printed on's cute so i bought the t-shirt.and i saw a cute pin too so i bought that too.i went with my sis,big bro n his gf n over met his fren n his bro. and i was so suprised when i met noi, shira,alia,shira's bf,wawa and adam.lols.cute dorang pgi concert together :).owh yah i met tasnim too n i met aqilah too.after concet went for dinner at uptown them went back i woke late.i woke up around four.hehee.slept all day long.i was so n dad went to a sis had i was at home with big bro.i slept all day long.big brother said he woke me up banyak kali but i still continued sleeping hahaha.okays. i'll will blog again later.
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