Monday, December 29, 2008

back from egypt.halas.

the trip was interesting in its own way.frankly speaking let me put it this way its a once in a lifetime kindda thing.i only enjoyed some parts of it.the place is like frozen in time.its like i transported back to the past say 20 or 30 years back.look around and you'll see building half completed and half not completed.and the country's hygiene is kindda neglected.when in egypt:while walking look down.most times there's poop either from the horses or camels.the traffic and the way they drive scares me.and as for the sleeper train my advice would be go for only if ur in for an adventure and dont mind being uncomfortable for 12-13 hours straight.
the things i liked were the cruise along the nile river.the pyramid of course and the ancient ruins.and also their library at alexandria.beautiful.

The Spinx and the Pyramids

Edfu temple

Al-Deir Al Bahari temple

Kom Ombo temple

Train station

wait for it...

wait for it...


on the cruise

hot air baloons

abah dgn hoodie n heart sunglasses.funny.hehehe.

Library at Alexandria

at the bazaars

on a different kindda scared semester is about to start.i'm half ready half result for last semester was bad.and i'm scared bout my classes.hope it'll be fine.insyaAllah.aqilah has gone back to Shah Alam.*all the best for the new semester* i've got loads of things to do bfr semester starts.

  • my books needs to be arranged.its not arranged the rite way.

  • my clothes needs to be folded/iron and arranged.

  • my rooms needs tidying up.

  • unpack all the things from my suitcase

  • gotta make an appointment to sent my car for service.

  • buy mama's present.

  • pay fees

  • check class timetable

  • remember to breath.not to b too scared bout the new semester.

i was rummaging through my piles of books and papers in the study room and found these quotes.soo long but i think its worth the time to read.theres actually a few but i'll jz write two.kindda appropriate in starting new semester and ushering the new year.

there is a tide in the affairs of men which taken the fload,leads on fortune omitted,all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries, on such a full sea are we now afloat.and we must take the current whent it serves or lose the ventures before us

-wlilliam shakespeare,julias ceaser-

life is to short,grudges are a waste of perfect happiness,laugh when you can apologize when you should,love deeply and forgive quickly have no is too short to be unhappy,you have to take the good with the bad,smile when you're unhappy,love what you got and always remember what you have,always forgive but never forget and learn from your mistakes


found this on one of the artsy sites.nice.

wow super loong post.i was actually trying to fill up the space below.but its like goes on and whateverla.biar ada space.nampak kindda weird.but i dont knoe wat's up with this posting kali ni.

Friday, December 12, 2008

me blabbering

im now officially the maid and okay i know my friends would so laugh but someone has gotta do it rite? or else the house is going to be a crazy mess.aqilah finds it funny seeing me sweeping not only inside the house but also sweeping the yard.i assume she finds it so interesting to the point that she wanted to take a picture of me sweeping.owh geez im glad i amused her.earliar today went to run errands with aqilah.drove by kt.missed a junction so decided to take a detour and drive around.i remembered the days when i was still in primary school.literally the whole of kt was our funny.i realise that i tend to forget things that i have to do and i'm making a list of randomweirdstuff.

wish list/to do list

  • i need and want new curtains
  • in need of new bedsheets as well
  • i want new handbag(s)
  • i so should learn how to use the dslr
  • i should trim my hair its kindda out of shape
  • i should also resume with my t-shirt making
  • have to make new board for my earrings
  • wishing for a carpenter to remove the old cupboard and build new ones
  • i want to bake brownies

Monday, December 8, 2008

eventful weekend

so it was kindda crazy the past few days with the shooting going on in the house. action!loads of people.with the crew n all it felt like we had an open house.what i'm really surprised by is how friendly the actors are.i would have thought they'd b busy minding their own business n all.but its nice to know that they're nice and friendly bunch of people. and it was kindda interesting to watch the process of making a i know for juz one scene they do like gabazillion takes.from many different angles.on a different topic.tok called juz now nk ajak make ketupat with cute.but there are relatives coming over x sempat nk tolong my grandma..
*congratulations to faizil and norhayati*.she seem nice and my cousin and cousin in law best wishes and semoga bahagia sepanjang hayat :)