funny story bout earth hour
yesterday was the day we were all encouraged to swith off all our lights for one hour.i was in on it.i even had candles ready to lit during earth hour.however that night we went out for dinner.so before we went out i told the maid to switch off all the lights from 8.30 - 9.30. i mentiond it to her more than 3 times i think..and while we were having dinner at the restaurant i was secretly wishing that the restaurant wil switch off all their lights too.which they didn't.bummer. hilariously when we got home from dinner the whole house was in darkness.i was happy cos the new maid a bit susah nk paham what we say.so i guess she jz decided to switch off all the lights the whole night.heheheh.when we got home almost 11 mom was so shocked.cz it was so dark.the 1st thing she did was to called out my name.cz it was my idea to ask the maid to swith off all the lights.hey it is fr a good cause..earth hour : )