The one shop that i found a necklace that i really like,but i didnt have enough money at that time.and there was no more stock of it so its just the one that is there.i was bummed.haish sempat jgk nk insert sad story jap pulak..funny.anyways for him to surprise me with it is so sweet and thoughtful it really really makes me happy. Its simply beautiful : )
* wishlist *
1. A new phone.i would greatly appreciate a new one. hav to ask abah nicely
2. A new watch.would like a new one too.since i lost 1 of mine.
3. A new and different hairstyle.thinking of a change.kindda bored of the current 1.
4. A tone body.haish.gotta workout n stop lazying around
5. A new pair of sandals or shoes.just 1 that is simple and nice.
and before i even start dreaming of my wishlist,the things i have to do.
1. Study for tests
2.Complete my assigments
3.Research.speaking of that..owh god i dont really have much clue on doing it.need materials.
5. Stay focused n improve my grades.
And once i have met my priorities,only then can i work on my wishlist.something to look foward to i guess. insyaAllah better and improved grades means i wont feel guilty for wanting and getting stuff on my wishlist.
holidays over,time to get to work!