Saturday, December 25, 2010




Our plan was just to go window shopping. Instead we found ourselves buying and buying.Its addictive. When you start buying one thing you'll want the next item you see. And its contagious. When you go shopping the urge to shop will rub on the other person too. Good bargains tho. We found some quiky and beautiful things at reasonable prices. Gotta love a bargain!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Everyone has their ways

Him being a person of few words,secretive,reserved and not so expressive. He sure does has his own ways of showing his love and affection. Here's one perfect example. Knowing lately i havent been the usual cheerful me. Apart from taking me to nice special dates,to dinner and movies he takes it up a notch. Just to make sure i wont be sad he prepared his own version of 'survival  kit' for me. A comedy chick flick dvd and some chocolate rolls. In his attempt to replace my tears to laughters.

Not to mention him being woken up by my calls in the wee hours because i would be crying and i can't sleep. He would calm me down,talk with me and in his half asleep half awake voice he would read the doa sebelum tidur for me so that i can sleep peacefully.

Its sucky feeling sad and depressed. But having him and his own special ways sure does make it easier to deal with this feelings. Afterall things happen for a reason and its probably not my time yet. My turn will come later. As for now i'll be patient, work on  improving myself  and one thing for sure im not giving up.

*  He sure does has his own ways of making me smile when i feel like crying : )  *

Monday, December 20, 2010

Weddings,marriages and the little tot's birthday

The cutie pie little niece of mine 1st birthday party! Looking all cute in her puffy tutu striking her pose. Feel like squeezing her all the time. Wishing a blessed life for this tiny tot and bright future ahead of her : *

Reading hilarious blogs and facebook browsing together, talks  and discussion on weddings and marriage. Already yawning bt still pushing it and karaoke-ing til 3 in the morning together. What a night. And i feel so grown up. Speaking of weddings its definately the season, and seeing how many people my age are getting married and a family friend. It really starts to make us think. Just sitting and talking about how far we've come together from kindergarden til now. As for us marriage?? we're making sure we're stable.Especially with me graduating soon. Alhamdulilah i feel blessed. But i know i still have a long more way to go. I feel like i've travelled far but its still a loooong journey to go.

Friday, December 17, 2010

right this moment..

Im bummed 
Its been 5 days straight of not working out and eating all sorts of fattening food. ARGGHHH!

Its so difficult to stay motivated when your mind is not in it. Mental power, definately important... Its much easier to work out when my mind is in the right mindset as compared to a negative mindset.

Rock bottom 
Just when im really depressed and defeated. Then i noticed. Not once did my parents scolded me or or gave me lengthy lecture about "you should have". Instead they kept on being supportive and pushing me foward telling me to stay positive and keep moving foward.

A humbling moment 
Seeing a little boy helping his mom earn money by dragging huge bags of tid bits trying to sell from table to table. Even more humbling he had such a pleasant face and was cheerful and friendly even though its obvious he has a hard life. Makes me grateful for all that i have.

Room make over
Its starting to come together! Bit by bit. Finally. Sooo happy enjoying taking time looking for inspirations from all over.

1 year            
The cutie pie tegan is one years old!  It feels fast watching her grow. Cant believe one year dh. She's so cute, geram.

Looking foward to
Date with the very patient loving supportive boo boo. Its been a while since the last time we went out for a proper date night. Really happy with the idea getting the chance to take some time to enjoy each others company with all the busyness of the wedding.Yeay ! Gonna get all gussied up for a date night with boo boo : )

Monday, December 6, 2010

Daydreaming of food

Now that im exercising and trying my best to limit my food intake and excluding certain types of food i find my self being frustrated more often.The fact that i cannot eat the normal food that i usualy eat is really starting to take its toll on me. Im grumpy and starting to get really fed up with exercising and working out.  As for now I really need to let out my food cravings frustrations. ( not that i know if it'll help )

I daydream of..

chesse topping thin crust pizza
char kueh tiaw
mcd's french fries
baskin robbins ice cream
dunkin donuts
bisou and cup cake chic cup cakes
nasi lemak maybank with the ayam goreng + milo ais
carls jr burger and fries
mars chocolate bar
bianco's fudgy chocolate brownie
chewy chunky  chocolate chip cookies
bawang merah's kuih keria
spaghetti bolognese
medan section 14 asam laksa
kraft macaroni and cheese
vichuda's  and santai's nasi goreng usa
teh tarik and teh ice
carbonated drinks miranda orange and strawberry
thosai massala
roti canai
hakim's nasi kandar
caramel popcorn

Ok that's all that has been lingering around in my head for days and days. Feel slightly better now that i've let it out.