As of now...
1. I am constantly thinking of all the creative ideas and the execution plan.
2. So many things im thinking of doing find it hard to sleep at night reasons being i just cant seem to sleep when my mind keeps on working and inspirations seem to come to me at the oddest hour of the day.
3. I am enjoying hour every minute every second of my time doing what i really love doing.
4. Who knew i had such imagination even i myself am surprise with weird ideas that pop up in my head.
5. Most times i am physically sitting still at one place but truthfully speaking i am miles away caught up in my own world.
6. My muse and inspirations comes in all forms even while shopping for grocery, while im looking for parking space,walking by roadside to buy lunch
7 Even weirder, though my mind is constantly thinking of more ideas it somehow all of this imagination seems to serve as peace and tranquility to me.