whoah i 've neen super busy lately.infact i am currently busy.wi finals juz around the corner.i am kindda freaking out.WHOAH! 3 more weeks!! anyways last week as i said i was super busy.
had mls lecture as usual. i can't remember wat else i did on tuesday.
had bel class.it was our oral presentation.and i presented my oral presentation.omg i was literally shaking in front of the class.i think i sttutered a bit too. i was soo nervous.then after bel had torts lecture.the lecturer reminded us about the finals being just a few more weeks lgi. he was serious n all about it.made me nervous.it's gud tho cos itt;ll b ar a reminder to me to study.then after lecture i went back and aqilah came over to have dinner at mawar
it was a looong day.classes was from 8.30 am -10.30pm. i skipped the morning class 8-10 the afternoon class 4-6 and the night class 8.30-10.30.i kindd felt guilt cos i skipped 3 classes in one day.thing is i was really tired n the night before i slept early n didn't rally got the chance to study for mls test.so i skipped morning class n studied for mls.n i skipped the afternoon class to complete my assignment.i went to the library and borrowed 5 books at a time for my constitutional law assignmnet.thank god i went to the library n found the books.i almost gave up looking for the books.instead i kept on looking for the books that i can use for the assignmnet.so glad i found the books. it helped me in completing my research.so i skipped night class to complete my assignment. i stayd up till 3 am.n went to sleep.
woke up early to go print and bind my assignmnet.then aqilah sent me to class.afternoon i hangout with zell,azee,eyza n anis.then we all went to kesatria.at night we had kesatria briefing bout the camping.reached home late.around 10 something i think.we had dinner around 11 at uptown.mama abah aqilah n me were all soo hungry.i i ordered my food ate fast n i even finished my food.hehehe.then went to the atm to pay my accomodation fees n withdraw money for zella.then went back n packed for the kesatria camp.slept around 3 am.
woke up at 6.i was soooo sleepy.had shower n went to sh alam.they said to meet up at the bus station at 6.45.i reahed around 7 something.and the bus sampai round 9 something i think.we stopeed for breakfast lgi lh.gerak to ulu yam the campsite around 10 something i think.bangun je awal2.i slept on the bus.hahaha
at campsite ulu yam
the campsite was in the forest area.there was a river n waterfall.the place was nice.the surrounding was nice too with a lot of tall tress.calming n relaxing.owh the campsite tho.it was so uncomfortable.the toilet was so dirty.eeeww.and our tent we didnt have flyer and it rained.my clothes in my bag all of it was wet.the rain got in our tent.one tent 6 persons.kindda cramp.we got the chance the chanca to mandi sungai.the water was really cold.best.hahaha.then x dpt buat bling forest walk cos it rained.at night we had performance.the performance part was really interesting and hillarious. then we had the individual night walk.abby n mashi catched up with me.so we all walked together.even that pon i was really scared n screamed a few times jgk.hahaha.slept around 2 something and had to wake up around 3 something for night watch.there was bone fire.the kesatria cikgu made a bone fire. we sat around the bonefire waiting four our shift to end.hehehe.best ada bone fire.then around 4 something went to sleep n woke up back around 5 or 6 something i think.
still at campside.morning we had warming up sessions.the parts i liked was the part when we got to lay down on the ground and look up at the sky and the forest trees.beautiful.then after that we had jugle traking.eeww i got bitten by 5 leeches i think.nd i slipped and fell a few times too.in between t=jungle traking we took a break to mandi sungai again.in the middle of the forest.best.n other people,just the kesatria and kembara people.it was fun.kembara commanders was really sporting compared.they went all out crazy main air and all.kesatria kids pon kena their water attack.hahaha.it was fun.
then we went back to campsite.changed clothes.dismantled the tent.cleaned our area.had lunch.briefing from kembara commanders.then we all waited for the bus.it rained.it was really peacefull.raining and all in the forest.the atmosphere and surrounding was calming.reached back sh alam around 5 something.we ere all so cold cos our clothes were damp.since all our clothes got wet in the rain.mama n abak fetch me.reached home.at and hangout and talked wth mama abah and aqilah kejap.then went to sleep.so tired.got up for dinner.did my laundry and went to bed back again.
i'm glad i went for the kesatria camping
it was my first camping experience
it was fun and interesting
tho i liked it,i'm not going camping again if the place has leeches.eewww i dont' like leeches scary n geli.
it's tiring,uncomfortble and glad i experience wat camping felt like : )
today monday
had lecture then met faez,reza,ilan at cempaka.so mashi ayumi wawa n me went for lunch at fac with them.then after went to library.konon nk revise french.hardly revise pon.then went to french.had french listening test.i don't think i did that well.then went to ctu and then went back.
wokay that's all.gtg.bye!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
ok i've been talking on and on about my french expose,so today was my french expose.i think i did ok lah..not GREAT. i told aqilah bout it and she said ok 2 dh buat dh expose 2 tak payah think bout the expose dh.hehehe.earliar on had contract lecture as usual.had lunch at menara cz we didn't want to eat lunch outside campus.nk practice french.hehehe.then after french went to ctu den went back to my room showered went to azee n zella's room, aqilah was there.she couldn't get in my room cz i locked it since i was taking my shower.hehehe.so she went to zella n azee's room.i hangout for awhile den me n aqilah went to her place.waited for mama n abah to come.mama and abah came to send dinner for me and aqilah :) moms cookin hehehe.a bit kindda like brats.mama and abah also brought the cupcakes that me n aqilah baked.i wanna give the ones i baked n decorate to zella,azee,anis,eyza n zaza. i think the cupckes taste ok.lol.talked with mama n abah for awhile then we went back to aqilah's place to eat dinner.kenyang dh now hahaha.ok gudnite~
Sunday, March 23, 2008
its 1somethin am and the kitchen is busy.
whoah it's so noisy in the kitchen and the kitchen is also so messy and best part is it's 1 somethin in the morning.big bro says he's hungry so he's cooking some food for himself.and he fried the curry puff sampai hangus k.hahaha.so funny.and me n my sis we were in the mood to bake cupcakes.so we baked cupcakes and and decorated the cupcakes with colourful icing,sprinkels,shimmers and now the kitchen is soo messy.hehehe.i did my share of cleaning up the kitchen.i said i'll continue later with the cupcakes and my sis can do her share of cleaning up.cz i have french expose and listening on monday and also oral presentation, tests and assignment that is due next week.i have loads on my to do list.ok i'm off to go prepare my expose and then i'm going going to sleep.bye! i'll blog again soon~
Saturday, March 22, 2008
last friday
had lecture as usual,then went for lunch at fac.it was so hot in the afternoon i juz wanted to go back to my room and chill.went back to hostel and slept.had to wake up since there's kesatria at 5.hillariously we hardly marched coz it rained.hahaha.spent most of the time during kesatria sitting,talking and watch fellow course mates public speaking at the astaka.it was entertaining.then went back home and went for dinner with whole family.my parents,siblings and me at uptown.topic during dinner was hillarious.hehehe.met liy and oya(her new bf) she's so happy and that's so cute hehehe. also met una and their friends.then we went back home.today i woke up kindda late.i got off bed around 1 something i think.i was really tired n sleepy.i actually wanted to wake up even later then that but aqilah woke up me early.since we're going to meet liy for luch.we had lunch at piccadilly.we were there for quiet awhile.it was raining and all and it was windy and kindda cold.so relaxing to hangout there.we sat and talked and liy was also doing her last minute sketching.and she showed us her work.she designed a dress n shorts.it's nice i like her design.then we went to jaya area cz liy wanted to scan her drawings.sent liy back and went back home.and finally i got the pics from my owh so busy cousin,iwan.aqilah managed to get him to transfer the pics to her thumbdrive.i'll post the pictures later.ok.bye for now :)
had lecture as usual,then went for lunch at fac.it was so hot in the afternoon i juz wanted to go back to my room and chill.went back to hostel and slept.had to wake up since there's kesatria at 5.hillariously we hardly marched coz it rained.hahaha.spent most of the time during kesatria sitting,talking and watch fellow course mates public speaking at the astaka.it was entertaining.then went back home and went for dinner with whole family.my parents,siblings and me at uptown.topic during dinner was hillarious.hehehe.met liy and oya(her new bf) she's so happy and that's so cute hehehe. also met una and their friends.then we went back home.today i woke up kindda late.i got off bed around 1 something i think.i was really tired n sleepy.i actually wanted to wake up even later then that but aqilah woke up me early.since we're going to meet liy for luch.we had lunch at piccadilly.we were there for quiet awhile.it was raining and all and it was windy and kindda cold.so relaxing to hangout there.we sat and talked and liy was also doing her last minute sketching.and she showed us her work.she designed a dress n shorts.it's nice i like her design.then we went to jaya area cz liy wanted to scan her drawings.sent liy back and went back home.and finally i got the pics from my owh so busy cousin,iwan.aqilah managed to get him to transfer the pics to her thumbdrive.i'll post the pictures later.ok.bye for now :)
can you hear me now?
lol so cute.i was in my room lazying around surfing the net.then i heard daddy day care was on tv. then big bro called me.we can watch daddy day care for like gabazillion times and not get bored of it.especially the line when the cute lil girl asked can you hear me now? hehehe.you guys have to watch it to get what i mean.random post after watching daddy day care for the gabazallionth time~
Thursday, March 20, 2008
this time.it's a simple post.i'm stating the obvious.

even when i talk with someone else.some other guy
that person,is jz another person.jz another guy.no matter how rarely i see you.
it's still you that make me smile.
i love the way how i'm able to talk and laugh about my blurness, sillyness n weirdness with you.
the things you do are simple and sweet.
that's what make's me smile and make's my day and that's what i heart the most about you.
i listen and i relate to some of the songs.it makes me happy.lol.
this week is my 1st time sleeping in the hostel with all my stuff kindda complete in my room.
basically i'm currently staying at the hostel sampai final exam.
i decorated the room.arraged my things.
bought a coloured paper so that i can turn the study light in a night lamp.hehehe.
it makes the room looks cozy.
sunday i slept at hostel dh.so monday morning got up ant got ready at my room at hostel.went to torts lecture then went for lunch at menara.soo many people.then hangout at nearby the fac while waiting for french class to start.went for french and after french i went for ctu.hitched a ride from liyana back to hostel.had dinner with aqilah at her rented place then went back to mawar.hangout with zella,azee n anis till' the wee hours talking about all sorts of stuff.lol
had one lecture only.after lecture went for luch with aqilah at kenny rogers at bukit raja,the mall is nice.it's a new mall.bought two tops.hehehe.then went back to uitm and teman aqilah at the library.then went back to hostel hangout with the girls kejap.then took my shower and went for dinner with aqilah.mom cooked dinner for us on sunday. simpan in the regrigarator at aqilah's place.so for dinner we juz have 2 heat up mom's cookin that mom cooked for us ;) yummy.got to go online at aqilah's place.then went back and hangout with zella n anis till wee hours again.also decorated my room with pics.
had lunch with the girls.went to bel class.got back my 1st test paper.score was ok.could hav done better.and lecturer explained about oral presentation.have to prepere it dah.the oral presentation is next week.whoahhh.then went for torts lecture.after that went back to hostel pack my stuff and aqilah fetch me and we went back home! yeay! since on thursday is a holiday.had dinner with with family at kopitiam :)
Sunday, March 16, 2008
a weekend of a lot of eating,a lil bit of shopping and some moving of stuff
today went for brunch with family n relatives at imperial.te occasion was tok's b'day.last week tok ayah's b'day this week tok's b'day pulak.hehehe.food was good.i ate so much.i was soo full.hahaa then after tat went to toks house for awhile then went to mid valley to go get stuff that i needed among them are new sandals.my sandals mostly dah nak putus n one have even putus dah.so i got a pair of ipanema sandals.now i have sandals to wear to class.it's nice i like it.susah nak choose.it was between the black or the neutral goldish.mama n abah said the neutral goldish is nicer.so i got tat one.then went to gardens jap to cos aqilah wanted to buy art supplies for her model.then went back home.kindda tired.and i wanted to sleep.but then aqilah said she's goin to sh alam to go get her stuff.so since she's goin to sh alam i packed my stuff tat that i want to bring to my room at mawar.mostly clothes n books.we went to sh alam and went to mawar first so i can sent my stuff to my room.whoah one of the bags was really heavy i had trouble carrying it.but then aqilah carried it n she said it's not that heavy.so i guess maybe i'm just not used to carrying heavy bags dah or maybe it's cz i'm tired.while i was there i went to zella n azee's room.we all talked for awhile then i went then to aqilah's place to get her stuff. then i felt like having tom yam.hehehe.so went to buy tom yam n went back home.ate tom yam n watch football a bit.liverpool was leading v reading n so was man u v derby.i'm not exactly sure of the final scores.i did my laundry too n kemas bilik jgk. rite now i'm soo sleepy.i wanna relax n sleep :) ok gudnite~
Thursday, March 13, 2008
i love the way the people i love make me smile
hello friends, had a long day and i'm tired.suprisingly tho i'm not as tired as i usually am every thursday.hehehe.i had bel test yesterday.it was not dat easy is wat i can say bout it.and i had torts test today.it was ok lah..owh yah, n my phone nie buat problem pulak.i cannot receive messages.heiysh i'm so annoyed k.and lately i've been kindda moody a bit.i know y.i think it's pms.lol.juz a bit moody je.explains the title for this post.b'cos the people that i love makes me smile and with that i'm happy.hehehe.anyways yesterday i went for dinner with mama,abah relatives n some other people i don't even knoe.tension btul duduk at dinner table with people i don't knoe.i text tiks to ask her to rescue me since the restaurant is nearby her house.and tiks said she'll walk to the restaurant to come get me then i can hangout at her house.lol so sweet :) it's dangerous tho..dah lah malam. last2 i just sat there and talk a bit with relatives.then went back.studied a bit for test n fell asleep. i'm now in love with the song the way i am dah.lol
cause i love the way you say goodmorning
and you take me the way i am
the way i am, by ingrid michaelson
just some random lines from the lyrics that i like~
ok gudnite i'll blog again soon.
cause i love the way you say goodmorning
and you take me the way i am
the way i am, by ingrid michaelson
just some random lines from the lyrics that i like~
ok gudnite i'll blog again soon.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
im moving in to mawar
mama and abah said i can move in to mawar.finals is just a month lebih skit lagi.it's basically kindda round the corner dah.so i've decided to move in mawar untill finals.so starting from next week onwards i'll b staying at mawar and weekends balik rumah.im gonna stay at mawar and study there too.any free time i'll use it to study.i wanna and gonna concentrate on my studies : )
Sunday, March 9, 2008
election, carnival and hangouts
i've been busy as usual,last week was hectic,interesting and eventful week.
had french test.writting and listenig.omg!! i didn't know that writting and listening test is hard.i was frustrated when i got the test paper.i didn't really study enough to be able to answer the questions.it was hard.well it's a wake up call i so hard to do well for my expose and study hard for my finals and score for finals.after the test went to ctu.it rained so heavilly that i was stranded at fac.reached ctu class late and sat in class for about 20-30 minutes je i think then class was over.
had the usual lecture then went to library then went for lunch at baba and nyonya.food was good atmosphere was so relaxing.i like the restaurant.they played good music too.overall it was great.then went back completed my consti assignment.then had lecture at night.replacement for the week before.big bro picked me up after lecutre n went back home.
had class n lecture as usual.then at night we had law students event.no wine n cheese.the theme was carnival.got ready at mawar n went to the carnival with aqilah, zella,azee,eyza,and anis.it was fun.there were performance.the bands that performed were quiet gud.there was face paint.we got our face painted.hahaa.i'll post the pics.
i was so sleepy and i was so lazy to wake up early in the morning.every thursday is as usual long day full of tutorials.woke up and actually reached class early.hehehe.after class went back to mawar.(i stayed at mawar last week since mama,abah n abang went back to sabah for voting) had dinner at kedai kopi with aqilah, zella,azee,eyza. met acan adam and wawa there.the fud that i ordered was dissapointingly tak sedap.heiysh.went back.eyza thot she lost her phone.rupanya it was in aqilah's car.then went to zella n azee's room chat for awhile then i fell asleep in their room.so tired after a long day.
had lecture and kesatria was cancelled.went for lunch at anggerik cafe.the place was nice.food was ok too.kindda nice,service was gud.hangout with mashi n ayumi.aqilah picked me up n teman her to go look for her stuff for her model.went back to her place had dinner hangout.then later that night we wentto the curve,cinneleisure to watch midnight movie.faez got punkd by us the girls.lol.the look on his face was priceless.hehehe.went to 15 for awhile cos faez wanted to meet up with zarif n syith.then went back to to shah alam.so sleepy went straight to bed.
woke up at 11.itu pon b'cos tante called to say lunch is at tok's since it's tok ayah's b'day.lazy around then drove to toks.had lunch there.there was cake then played rock band with cousins.my lil cousin kyra now listens to the yeah yeah yeahs and garbage.lol.then went to wondermilk to meet up with tiks.wondermilk was so nice.i love it.had cupcake n cofee.then went to tiks house.there's pics will post them too.at night went for dinner with ahcim.had dinner at uptown.we hangout and chill n talked.i think i talked a lot.to much i think.i haven't meet him for quiet awhile dah.usually just in between classes je jumpa.so during dinner i had so much to talk about.hehehe.mostly about uitm stuff.i miss hanging out macam dulu masa at kedah.after dinner he sent me home.it was great that i got to hangout with him.alia was at my house.hangout with her for awhile.we watch the election results n alia and aqilah played guitar n i sang a bit hehehe. then my sis n me sent her back.called mom too.mak long won!! for the seat she contested for.
woke up early to go get buffy from boarding.then went back to get ready for tok ayah's b'day brunch.went to renaissance. the food was good. ate so much i don't even have to eat dinner.went back n kemas rumah a bit.did laundry earliar on.i have to do house chores since we're still waiting for the new maid.yay!! mama,abah n abang is coming back tonite.
had french test.writting and listenig.omg!! i didn't know that writting and listening test is hard.i was frustrated when i got the test paper.i didn't really study enough to be able to answer the questions.it was hard.well it's a wake up call i so hard to do well for my expose and study hard for my finals and score for finals.after the test went to ctu.it rained so heavilly that i was stranded at fac.reached ctu class late and sat in class for about 20-30 minutes je i think then class was over.
had the usual lecture then went to library then went for lunch at baba and nyonya.food was good atmosphere was so relaxing.i like the restaurant.they played good music too.overall it was great.then went back completed my consti assignment.then had lecture at night.replacement for the week before.big bro picked me up after lecutre n went back home.
had class n lecture as usual.then at night we had law students event.no wine n cheese.the theme was carnival.got ready at mawar n went to the carnival with aqilah, zella,azee,eyza,and anis.it was fun.there were performance.the bands that performed were quiet gud.there was face paint.we got our face painted.hahaa.i'll post the pics.
i was so sleepy and i was so lazy to wake up early in the morning.every thursday is as usual long day full of tutorials.woke up and actually reached class early.hehehe.after class went back to mawar.(i stayed at mawar last week since mama,abah n abang went back to sabah for voting) had dinner at kedai kopi with aqilah, zella,azee,eyza. met acan adam and wawa there.the fud that i ordered was dissapointingly tak sedap.heiysh.went back.eyza thot she lost her phone.rupanya it was in aqilah's car.then went to zella n azee's room chat for awhile then i fell asleep in their room.so tired after a long day.
had lecture and kesatria was cancelled.went for lunch at anggerik cafe.the place was nice.food was ok too.kindda nice,service was gud.hangout with mashi n ayumi.aqilah picked me up n teman her to go look for her stuff for her model.went back to her place had dinner hangout.then later that night we wentto the curve,cinneleisure to watch midnight movie.faez got punkd by us the girls.lol.the look on his face was priceless.hehehe.went to 15 for awhile cos faez wanted to meet up with zarif n syith.then went back to to shah alam.so sleepy went straight to bed.
woke up at 11.itu pon b'cos tante called to say lunch is at tok's since it's tok ayah's b'day.lazy around then drove to toks.had lunch there.there was cake then played rock band with cousins.my lil cousin kyra now listens to the yeah yeah yeahs and garbage.lol.then went to wondermilk to meet up with tiks.wondermilk was so nice.i love it.had cupcake n cofee.then went to tiks house.there's pics will post them too.at night went for dinner with ahcim.had dinner at uptown.we hangout and chill n talked.i think i talked a lot.to much i think.i haven't meet him for quiet awhile dah.usually just in between classes je jumpa.so during dinner i had so much to talk about.hehehe.mostly about uitm stuff.i miss hanging out macam dulu masa at kedah.after dinner he sent me home.it was great that i got to hangout with him.alia was at my house.hangout with her for awhile.we watch the election results n alia and aqilah played guitar n i sang a bit hehehe. then my sis n me sent her back.called mom too.mak long won!! for the seat she contested for.
woke up early to go get buffy from boarding.then went back to get ready for tok ayah's b'day brunch.went to renaissance. the food was good. ate so much i don't even have to eat dinner.went back n kemas rumah a bit.did laundry earliar on.i have to do house chores since we're still waiting for the new maid.yay!! mama,abah n abang is coming back tonite.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
smiles :)
today i actually got the chance to go to the curve..i've been wanting to go to a mall. any of the gud mall's to go walk around or window shop.since i've been busy, weekends usually i stay at home and hangout with my family cos weekdays busy jarang jumpa.this weekend zella came for sleepover for a nite,planned to watch movie instead we went shoping pulak hahaa also went to ikea cos aqilah wanted to buy new curtains and i got the breakfast in bed type kindda tray.yay!! now i can use my laptop in my room on the bed comfortably.hehehe.i bought 3 tops too from the curve.they're cute. the purple shirt is cute i like tat one the most i think.aqilah pilih tat one for me : ) i'm so tired my feet aches from kesatria marching last friday. kesatria last friday went quiet well tho..just dat my kaki sakit skit...i wanna watch jumper..please please please i really hope i get the chance to watch jumper at the movies..tgk from dvd je tak best..so hoping i get to watch jumper 2mrow.
bad english-when i see you smile. this song is so sweet :) hehehe ok juz something random i wanted to mention
bad english-when i see you smile. this song is so sweet :) hehehe ok juz something random i wanted to mention
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