even when i talk with someone else.some other guy
that person,is jz another person.jz another guy.no matter how rarely i see you.
it's still you that make me smile.
i love the way how i'm able to talk and laugh about my blurness, sillyness n weirdness with you.
the things you do are simple and sweet.
that's what make's me smile and make's my day and that's what i heart the most about you.
i listen and i relate to some of the songs.it makes me happy.lol.
this week is my 1st time sleeping in the hostel with all my stuff kindda complete in my room.
basically i'm currently staying at the hostel sampai final exam.
i decorated the room.arraged my things.
bought a coloured paper so that i can turn the study light in a night lamp.hehehe.
it makes the room looks cozy.
sunday i slept at hostel dh.so monday morning got up ant got ready at my room at hostel.went to torts lecture then went for lunch at menara.soo many people.then hangout at nearby the fac while waiting for french class to start.went for french and after french i went for ctu.hitched a ride from liyana back to hostel.had dinner with aqilah at her rented place then went back to mawar.hangout with zella,azee n anis till' the wee hours talking about all sorts of stuff.lol
had one lecture only.after lecture went for luch with aqilah at kenny rogers at bukit raja,the mall is nice.it's a new mall.bought two tops.hehehe.then went back to uitm and teman aqilah at the library.then went back to hostel hangout with the girls kejap.then took my shower and went for dinner with aqilah.mom cooked dinner for us on sunday. simpan in the regrigarator at aqilah's place.so for dinner we juz have 2 heat up mom's cookin that mom cooked for us ;) yummy.got to go online at aqilah's place.then went back and hangout with zella n anis till wee hours again.also decorated my room with pics.
had lunch with the girls.went to bel class.got back my 1st test paper.score was ok.could hav done better.and lecturer explained about oral presentation.have to prepere it dah.the oral presentation is next week.whoahhh.then went for torts lecture.after that went back to hostel pack my stuff and aqilah fetch me and we went back home! yeay! since on thursday is a holiday.had dinner with with family at kopitiam :)
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