my holidays had actually started like weeks n weeks ago but today onwards bru i get to enjoy my holidays since the review n assesment dah habis.thank all archi students should b happy since they can sleep all day for the sleeping hours that they had to sacrifice.and as for me no longer being aqilah's assistant.the hours of my time i've spent helping out and in which most of the time i have no clue what i'm doing or what they're talking about. im glad now i get to do what i want to do and plus i get to sleep n wake up at whatever time i want to.yeay! please no more eye bags..
fadli's modal.i like the design of the roof.
japanese spa.nice.i forgot who designed this modal.
wafi's hawaian spa.the detailing n all lawa2.
nadrah's safari design.cantik.
took a sneak peak at part 7's work.
and this is what one of the part 7's modal looks like.

unlike archi students im not used to not getting enough sleep.
so i jz sleep anywhere i can.aqilah find me weird cz she's already so
used to not getting enough sleep.

one of the part 5's brought cupcakes.

the message across the cupcakes was to visit this site.
a site for visiting the blogs you are donating n the
proceeds are for charity.
* aqilah hang in there k i know n we all know ur strong n insya'Allah it'll b okay..
*happy for liy she has finally moved in her newly renovated house.home sweet home for her.
* congrats to abg man on his job promotion.
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