last monday morning around 8 something almost 9 i think as i doze off after being given sufficient amount of anesthesia my tonsils have been removed.making me now tonsiless.and the pain of the surgery was..let me see its like someone forced a large dry rough stone thru my throat and also used sand paper to scrape thru my throat.hurts so much.and i was scared too after surgery as they were about to bring me back to my room i vomited and i saw blood on my hospital gown.i guess im sensative to the general anesthesia.i couldnt speak and was in so much pain i cried.and later on fell asleep.i woke up around five something i think and i could speak slowly.glad i could speak.for now im still on soft food diet.im slowly forcing my self to start eating solid food.im starting with the soft ones for now.i still cant eat anything that's hot in temperature and hot as in spicy.and obviously no normal food yet as it still hurts.for now i just look.hehehe.i was so touched when i got out of surgery i saw my mama and abah and also i saw tok and tok ayah.they came to see to make sure the surgery went ok.after dat my boo and danial came.i was so happy i talked so much.danial's mommy came too.with cookies.it so nice of her.and i was so suprised to see danials mom she looks young.i wonder what's her secret for awet muda..cookies are still sealed untill i've recovered and i can eat them.hehehe.not long after dat my kakak qilah came and later that evening the jing bam gang.they are like the clowns at the children's ward.they were making so much jokes.i laughed even tho it hurts.cant help it.later at night hommie n izzati came while family went for dinner.was held at hospital jz overnight.and for now i am resting a lot at home to recover from my surgery.sleep..sleep..and more sleep : )
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