Among the few people and leaders that i look up to one of them is Nelson Mandela and i've been meaning to buy his biography book.But every time i go to the book store it slipped my mind.Luckily i didnt buy the book yet since i decided to take a look at tok ayah's bookshelves.Had a feeling that he would have it in his book collection.True enough he had it and when i asked permission to borrow it tok ayah said i can even keep it if i want to.so sweet of my grampa and he was also telling me what an interesting book it was and was one of the books that he actually finished reading.Currently reading it now and i get what tok ayah meant.With out a doubt an interesting book which i would definitely finish reading. Once i finish this book i can move on to my next book on my list.Soo many books over ambitious nk baca but always later distracted with other things pulak.haih..
Went for bowling, and i lost.Both times.Darn it! i had a feeling i was rusty.Cant even remember the last time i played bowling. But all that is nothing interesting compared to the final score which he got.117.Dh la menang and it just had to be my plate number pulak tu.LOL.
* cannot wait to make chocolate raspberry pavlova for abah and spaghetti meatballs for boo boo *
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