Officially finished LLB 1st semester. Alhamdulillah. Now its about waiting for the results *yikes*. InsyaAllah result ok, pray and tawakal Amin. LLB 1st semester felt like it took sooo long. Seeing as the others are already on their holidays and enjoying. So finally when I finally finished 1st semester decided to have brunch eat good food and do one of my favourite things ever sing karaoke! Something where its not about being good at it its just for fun. You sound good or bad, sing off tune or hit the right key does not matter. Its about being silly singing at the top of our lungs and enjoying ourself. And boy I sure did. However looks like the guys yg dh lama merdeka ni pun also enjoyed themselves too hahaha. Wished everyone could come but seeing as semua dh merdeka mostly are outstation. Anyhows judging from the pictures it shows siapa yg lg over karaoke. Clearly the guys!
My boo boo and azad really into their song |
Busy in the kitchen while the others are karaoke-ing |
Our take home chef preparing delicious apple crumble |
potato salad and roast chicken ( I forgot to take a pic before we ate) this will do, ooh and danial's cookies LOL |
Yum! sweet duck sandwich by wawa the take home chef |
Karaoke all day long |
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