Saturday, January 12, 2008


wow i've been so so busy lately tat i didn't have time to's been 3 weeks since classes has started.n as usual the first few weeks is usually the time when we're busy n everything still a lil bit kucar kacir.especially this time place.everything different and i guess i'm slowly settling down.still sometimes blur about my way around shah alam campus.hehee.what i realised since now tat at the shah alam campus is that everything n seems tougher.from what people are saying.they keep on saying to us to be serious,about our studie n tat it's tough here.tat definately woke me up from my 2 1/2 sleep(semester break holiday) . i'm also awaken from a few aspects.especially now that it's a new year,new place so it has definately awaken me.stop dreaming around! so many other things to think about. whatever i was going thru or i thought i was going thru..i'm leaving it behind n moving foward.a friend of mine said something that awaken me.and it's so thru what my friend was said in a simple way but it made me realise yeah..move foward je.if tat's how it's gonna be.leave it as it use thinking to much about hmm..i guess i thought i knew..know i realise i didn't knoe the person and the situation.well tat's the past.moving on.rite know for degree i have 8 subjects. that includes foreign language n extra co-curricular.for foreign language i choose french n for co-curricular i choose keatria (marching).hmm not my kindda thing.but i'm looking at it from a positive's something different from what i usually do.i might learn new stuff.hehee.okay.i'm tired sleepy.i'll blog again soon.gudnite~ :)

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