Sunday, December 11, 2011

Aint no quitter!

I've been told it'll be crazy and now I know how crazy it gets,

There are days when LLB is crazy hectic,so challenging,mentally and physically tiring it really tests your strength and it has almost broke me down. To a point once it crossed my mind maybe I'm not cut out for this, and I seriously feel like throwing in the towel. But I must say together with god willing, my support system they are the reason why I'm still standing. Last two weeks was awful and I have literally fallen. Had it not been for them I probably would have totally given up.

They are the people who would continue giving me support and encouragement when they can see I'm on the brink of giving up, they are those who knows when I'm trying so hard to fight back my tears yet they wouldn't give up and still sit there and talk with me till they see a smile on my face. 

And as for me I'm hanging in there and am praying for strength and perseverance. And InsyaAllah everything will turn out well. Like a dear friend of mind said to me, "hang in there once we finish this we'll be laughing thinking back all the stuff we did and went though  for LLB and we'll be glad we hang on and completed it". Amin to that. 

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