Monday, December 8, 2008

eventful weekend

so it was kindda crazy the past few days with the shooting going on in the house. action!loads of people.with the crew n all it felt like we had an open house.what i'm really surprised by is how friendly the actors are.i would have thought they'd b busy minding their own business n all.but its nice to know that they're nice and friendly bunch of people. and it was kindda interesting to watch the process of making a i know for juz one scene they do like gabazillion takes.from many different angles.on a different topic.tok called juz now nk ajak make ketupat with cute.but there are relatives coming over x sempat nk tolong my grandma..
*congratulations to faizil and norhayati*.she seem nice and my cousin and cousin in law best wishes and semoga bahagia sepanjang hayat :)

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