Friday, December 12, 2008

me blabbering

im now officially the maid and okay i know my friends would so laugh but someone has gotta do it rite? or else the house is going to be a crazy mess.aqilah finds it funny seeing me sweeping not only inside the house but also sweeping the yard.i assume she finds it so interesting to the point that she wanted to take a picture of me sweeping.owh geez im glad i amused her.earliar today went to run errands with aqilah.drove by kt.missed a junction so decided to take a detour and drive around.i remembered the days when i was still in primary school.literally the whole of kt was our funny.i realise that i tend to forget things that i have to do and i'm making a list of randomweirdstuff.

wish list/to do list

  • i need and want new curtains
  • in need of new bedsheets as well
  • i want new handbag(s)
  • i so should learn how to use the dslr
  • i should trim my hair its kindda out of shape
  • i should also resume with my t-shirt making
  • have to make new board for my earrings
  • wishing for a carpenter to remove the old cupboard and build new ones
  • i want to bake brownies

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