Thursday, March 1, 2012

Something to reflect upon

The poster says it all, its like a slap in the face isn't it?
Made me realise just how fortunate I am and reminds me to be grateful for what I have and complain less, for they are people in other parts of the world heck even here back home they are people who are fighting a harder battle and having a hard time surviving.

It makes me think now, how can I help? There must be something I, we can do about this rather than just sitting back day by day enjoying life unaware of this. Of even so, once we're aware of it it slips our mind the moment we go back to our daily life routine. I hope that wont be the case with me. Now that I'm very much aware  of it,helping out even beginning with the smallest way shall be one of the things on my to do list.

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