Thursday, February 28, 2008

wokay had a long day today...i'm so tired and sleepy..i couldn't really pay attention cos i was sleepy and i really wanted to sleep or take a nap kjap tdi mase kat tuesday i drove for the 1st time by myself.i drove to class n i was really nervous but it was okay.traffic kindda okay lah..parking not so tough too.hehee.on tuesday 2nd time problem skit cos afternoon class and parking kat ck dah full had to park kat 3rd day had morning class i went early and there were still plenty more parking.yesterday it rained so heavily shah alam banjir.back gate was closed b'cos of i decided not to drive home yet instead pgi makan dulu.then adam n wawa x habis2 told me to b carefull driving back home by myself malam2.(nak takutkan me..) dah lah while we were eating shira cerita ghost stories..tumpang wawa to perindu to get my car..nasib baik perindu nya parking terang..i drove back home fast and abah called while i was driving so x takut sgt..kindda byk kereta jgk still on the i think i did one of the craziest thing during lunch break.put on karaoke cd kat wawa's car then mashi,ayumi, wawa and of course me jgk hillariously all of us sang and danced dlm kereta.hahaahahahah.soo was fun :) we all laughed and people kat parking area yg nampak pon laughed.hehehe.eiysh astro ada problem so tak dapat tgk grey' internet dah ok.semalam had to curi line wireless our wireless dah ok so i can surf da net since astro down.i think i wanna sleep early 2nite.bye!

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